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Vomiting and nausea during pregnancy: hyperemesis gravidarum.

Updated: Jul 9

Galles Kate

Princess of Wales Kate is among the sick.

Hyperemesis gravidarum is one of the most disabling symptoms of pregnancy especially in the first three months of gestation or throughout the pregnancy and can lead, in a short time, to medium and serious complications, as in fact it is accompanied also by weight loss and significant and dangerous dehydration due to nausea, vomiting, and a perceived acidity.

It is possible to counteract these disorders with a diet. In the acute phase, one can even go so as far as suspending oral feeding, and then reintroduce food when the critical stage is passed. This specific complication affects three out of four women in the first trimester, while Hyperemesis affects 0.5% of women. When the condition of nausea does not positively evolve after the first three months of gestation, hyperemesis is thought to be associated with increased levels of estrogen or beta subunits of human chorionic gonadotropin. The causes of this condition are not yet known but it is hypothesized that genetic factors or even psychosomatic or psychological/behavioral factors are involved.

It has been noticed over time and on a large scale that it is mainly affecting women pregnant with twins. Generally, the manifestations of nausea and vomiting are limited to the morning, while hyperemesis can be seen as a disabling complication throughout the day for pregnant woman. In some serious cases, hyperemesis gravidarum can lead to mild hyperthyroidism, even if transient, leading to liver damage.

In more severe forms, it can cause, if not treated, consequences at the encephalic level and rupture of the esophagus. less severe but equally important complications in pregnancy are weight loss, decreased quantity of urine, ketosis, and an abnormal electrolyte status, including significant nutritional deficiencies. The symptoms, which also affected the Princess of Wales, Kate, are associated with a condition that is often underestimated, but highly risky for life and the consequences it can bring in an "already delicate situation" such as pregnancy.

For this reason, it is strongly recommended to follow doctor's instructions, to avoid a more severe evolution of the symptoms.

Professor Antonio Giordano, M.D., Ph.D., is the creator and head of the Sbarro Health Research Organization, located at Temple University's College of Science and Technology in Philadelphia. Stay connected with him through his various social media platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, to receive the latest updates.


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