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Genetic and spiritual inheritance of parents

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Genetic and spiritual inheritance of parents

Power of genetics

Behavioral Genetics

Personality traits such as intelligence, extroversion, and aggression can be explained by researching genetic factors, which tend to influence human behavior in combination with environmental factors.

Science tells us that some character traits, in addition to biological ones, can be inherited from parents. The genetic predisposition to address and act in a given way clearly exists in combination with the individual's free choice to self-determine and the role of the human mind to dominate that particular character trait, in combination with the education received, which limits or refines its externalization.

The genetic makeup influences our lives for better or for worse, with regard to vulnerability, certain diseases, and attitudes to life and human relationships.

We are the result of the union of two individuals transferring us the genes, 50% of which derives from the mother and 50% from the father. The complexity that concerns the relationship between father and mother is not only in that 50%, but that genetic participation brings us inexorably closer to two figures and absolute totems: father and mother.

The relationship with parents is made of flesh, blood, and soul. The mother is the first face of the world for the child; the first contact takes place through her hands that take care of her/him in the first days of life, so much so that it is indispensable for subsistence itself. The mother is nourishment, warmth, and security, and she gives back to the child the first representation of herself, of a human being capable of receiving love.

The presence of a mother-child bond transfers the drive to live to the child. When we talk about the mother, genetics regard her as the generator of the child, for a series of implications related to the genetic makeup, but when we talk about being a "mother", it means, above all, the one who cares: a mother is not only the biological one, she is the one with her presence who protects and takes care of nourishing the child's interiority, but also giving moments of autonomy to favor his independence.

“A good - a part of psychoanalysis tells us - is a mother who is not only a mother but also remains a woman”. The mother, more simply, is the one who loves unconditionally, but also knows how to give freedom, when it is functional for the healthy development of the child.

The medical and psychological implications for the absence of a relationship with the mother involve very deep wounds that can lead to important pathologies such as anorexia, eating disorders, depression, and possibly addiction, originating from the conviction of not being loved.

While the relationship with the mother determines the vision of oneself in the world, it is the first encounter with the mirror of oneself, the relationship with the father that marks something that follows the ancestral relationship with the mother but introduces the child into the world, delimiting his limits. The father marks the boundary of the "possible", beyond which one cannot go without consequences. He represents the rule, the law, and the institution.

The inheritance from the parents outlines a human and spiritual path, as well as a genetic one, which may or may not positively or negatively influence the lives of children, for better or worse, and with which it is necessary to always deal and, in every choice, even in the future, even when alone. The spectrum of what we have heard and tried and listened to gives us warnings, spurs, or vetoes.

Recognizing oneself or not in the character or biological traits of the parents is an emotional storm, almost metaphysical and symbolic, each of us must go through in order to be himself. Undeniably, having the good fortune of being accepted determines the origin of the inner strength that can overcome every obstacle, which science tells us affects the immune system itself:

“Having been loved so deeply - writes JK Rowling - protects us forever, even when the person who loved us is no longer there. It is something that remains inside, in the “skin”.

Dr. Antonio Giordano, founder and director of the Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine of the Temple University of Philadelphia and professor of Anatomy and Pathological Histology at the University of Siena.

To follow more from Dr. Antonio Giordano follow him on his social media channels, (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram)

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