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"Isochimica ruling has healed a wound for Irpinia and Campania" Dr. Antonio Giordano

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

"Isochimica ruling has healed a wound for Irpinia and Campania" Dr. Antonio Giordano, on the verdict of the Isochimica Investigation by the Collegial Court on Friday 28th Jan 2022.

Professor Antonio Giordano was among the consultants of the Public Prosecutor’s Office against asbestos contamination and environmental risks in the Isochimica investigation.

Prof Giordano, even from thousands of kilometers away, learned about the Isochimica Investigation and its verdict of the Collegial Court and commented “It is a sentence that heals a wound for Avellino and Campania, demonstrating that exposure to asbestos causes serious pathologies and interventions to humans; although arrived too late and after a number of deaths, as well as repercussions for the health of the many workers who were carrying out their work in conditions of high risk and without supervision”

Prof Antonio Giordano and Paolo Chiariello, pair of a scientist and a journalist, led part of the investigation and have included its details in the book written jointly by them; the book is in Italian and its name is “Monnezza di Stato” meaning “Trash of the State”. In this book, Dr. Giordano and Chiariello cover an unprecedented environmental catastrophe caused by exposure to asbestos and by the spill of toxic waste produced by unscrupulous entrepreneurs, disposed of by the Camorra with the help of corrupt politicians. The book is backed by scientific data relating to “the increase in cancer pathologies and congenital malformations due to exposure to asbestos and toxic waste.”

In reference to how dire the consequences are of exposure to asbestos and such toxic waste, in the Irpinia area and other territories throughout the country, Prof. Antonio Giordano says, “Of course, exposure to asbestos is dangerous and will remain so for years to come, timely serious remediation of the territories is required, entrusted to companies that have no ties with the underworld that is responsible for this disaster. In search of the causal link, we have contrasted the data of the cancer registries relating to those territories and the data of hospitalizations for neoplasms and there are links between serious pathologies and that type of environmental disaster.”

Further to shed light on what steps should be taken for the reclamation in Campania and Irpinia region, the region is disreputably known as ”Terra dei fuochi” (“The land of the fire”), Prof Antonio Giordano states, “The need to activate environmental remediation and restoration is clear. There are remediation plans at a regional level, but clearly, we need to do more, like unlock funds, invest them in energy conversion, continue with the monitoring of the territory, and get to raise environmental awareness that is the driving force of the new generation entrepreneurs. In the future, it is necessary to intervene on the territory and on new businesses regardless of the logic of remediation, to arrive before the disaster, and prevent it, as we like to say remediation of behavior, way of acting, political, corporate, and daily choices”

In response to the Trial, Dr. Giordano concludes, “As for the trial against the leaders of the former Isochimica di Avellino, it has seen convictions and acquittals, where no responsibility is recognized, it is also right that acquittals have been reached, the judiciary has investigated and run its course.”

These comments of Dr. Antonio Giordano from this blog were translated from Corriere Irpinia, the original Italian news post can be found here.

Read, "5 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Cancer" a Featured interview of Dr. Antonio Giordano in Authority Magazine.

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